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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Filipino Subject


             Today, I will share my insights and reaction about the issue on removal of Filipino Subject in Philippine College Curriculum. First of all, Filipino subject should not be removed because this is our mother tongue that's why we should developed and enriched it and not to removed it. We are Filipinos so why do we have to removed it ? I feel sad because of this issue. We ourselves forgetting our own language because of the other languages. Instead of developing and enriching our language, we are removing it which is not good for me, and for many people who believes in our own language.

              Strengthening our Filipino language is still needed for all levels of education not only in elementary and high school. And why Filipino ? Seriously, I will be more happy if the Math Subject should be removed. Just kidding. What do they want to be our language ? English ? I'm not saying that we should stop learning English but I also don't want to removed our own language. I want us to be known as a Filipino, Not English but Filipino.


  1. We Filipinos are not even that good when it comes to our language, how come that these people are thinking that we will be able to learn foreign language easily?

  2. yep, why not math? lol just kidding. For me removing Filipino subject is like removing our heart in our body.
