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Monday, July 28, 2014

Waste Management

        This video shows us the impact of what we do to our environment. Philippines is facing many garbage problems because of us who never cared about where to put our trash. We're just dropping our waste on the street which contribute to garbage problems in our country. As I research, Waste Management Commission shows that there are 677 open dump sites, 343 controlled dumps, and 21 landfills in the country. An additional 307 dump sites are subject for closure or rehabilitation plans but without definite schedules for enforcement. About 215 additional landfills are being proposed to be set up nationwide. The more waste, the more environmental problems.

         I feel regretful because I know that I am also trashing waste anywhere but I am proud that I am now more aware on what this problem may cause to our environment. WE should end our wrong habit from now on as long as we have time because in the end, we will still the one who's responsible to our surroundings. It's not difficult to waste trash in a proper bins we are just that lazy and irresponsible to throw it anywhere. Be Eco-friendly, Be plastic-free, and Be a smarter consumer.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Child Labour

          Child laborers remains high in our country. Every child should be given adequate education. Instead of schooling, they are forced to work for their family to feed their hungry stomach. I think, poverty is the main reason on why children forced to work. Even if they want to go to school, they can't because of poverty. I really felt pity to them especially when I see how difficult their work is. 

          I am also worried about what their doing because it's really dangerous for their age. I want to help them somehow but I don't know how. So I can say that I'm really lucky because I live much better than them but on the other side, I feel pity for them because they really have to work hard for them to have food while me, I'm just depending on what my parents will provide me. I hope someday, Child Labor will decreased as soon as possible so that every children will have the right to play and to be educated.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Filipino Subject


             Today, I will share my insights and reaction about the issue on removal of Filipino Subject in Philippine College Curriculum. First of all, Filipino subject should not be removed because this is our mother tongue that's why we should developed and enriched it and not to removed it. We are Filipinos so why do we have to removed it ? I feel sad because of this issue. We ourselves forgetting our own language because of the other languages. Instead of developing and enriching our language, we are removing it which is not good for me, and for many people who believes in our own language.

              Strengthening our Filipino language is still needed for all levels of education not only in elementary and high school. And why Filipino ? Seriously, I will be more happy if the Math Subject should be removed. Just kidding. What do they want to be our language ? English ? I'm not saying that we should stop learning English but I also don't want to removed our own language. I want us to be known as a Filipino, Not English but Filipino.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Someday :)


      When I was young, I want to be a Nurse. But suddenly, I feel disgusted because of blood and I'm a little bit " maarte ". Seriously, I really still doesn't know what course will I choose when I was in Fourth Year High School so my classmates were " Talaga ? Wala ka bang balak sa buhay mo ? " Hahaha so I realized that I have to choose what path will I follow. 

      Today I am taking Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management ( BSITTM ) at Lyceum of the Philippines University. First day of class, I said to myself " This is it " because I know that college life is different from high school. I chose Tourism because I realized that aside from this is my passion, I really want to travel around the world although I know that not all tourism students get the chance to travel, I still believe and I will work hard to make those things happen. Anything is possible when you work on it.

        I also want to be a Flight Attendant someday. Other people will say " Katulong sa eroplano " but I will say that when you like what your doing, you will immediately love your work. I am a cheerful and friendly person so I think I am compatible to this work because in this job, you have to communicate to many persons with different nationalities. 

          Education  is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world because I believe that education can change my life into a better one. I will use this education to be a successful person someday but of course not a boastful one yet a humble one. I want to be a successful flight attendant someday because I want to bring up my family into a better living. Education will always be a part of our daily life.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Education :)


      Today, I will share my experience and insight about education. I am now first year college and I am studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University.

      When I was in prep to grade 1, I studied at Early Learning School and this picture shows me wearing a toga and a medal because I am the top 1 of the class at that time.   

  Me and my Mom    

      When I was at the age 7, I transferred to the public school in grade 2 at Magat Salamat Elementary School but since then, I didn't make it to the top 10 until the end of my elementary days.

           I just want to share that I used to dance when I was a kid so I think I'm intelligent in a different way. And I also loves to sing but I'm not saying " Tanga ako " in a different way, I'm just not that smart and the most important for me is I'm giving my best. I'm not pressuring myself to be the top of a class because I'm contented to what my knowledge is. I am not also that inattentive to my studies. I am studying because I want to learn and I want to fulfill my dreams not only for myself but also for my family.

             I would like you to meet those persons who inspires me everyday in learning and helped me to be more strong .... White Queen ♥ ..... My 8 best friends :) This picture is our Graduation Day when I was Senior. 

            I can say that studying its not that easy but I can also say that you can succeed when you have those people who inspires who and makes you laugh every time you are about to give up. They help me to be more strong and they removed to my vocabulary the word " Giving up ". 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Getting to know me ( Part 2 )


         Today, I will share my interests and hobbies. This is the additional story of my personal life. Actually, I think the thing that I will share to you was not really important to know.

      Hobbies ? Haha I think my hobbies are not that important. Watching television, playing computer, cellphone, eating, and of course sleeping. See ? do you think my hobbies are significant ? Haha I don't think so. But don't judge me that early. That's my hobbies during vacation but i'm not that worthless person because I also do household chores and when June comes, school is my priority. I'm always doing my assignments and projects so sometimes I don't have enough time to play computer and use cellphone. And when I have free time, I used to read stories from wattpad.

        When I step on college life, my number one interests is to travel around the world and that is one of the reasons why I chose Tourism as my course.

         I like you to know some of my favorite/s thing .....

My favorite Anime ( Toradora )

My favorite Manga ( Yamato Nadeshiko )

            I want you to meet my future boyfriend ...

Daniel John Ford Padilla
         Wait ! I don't like to read negative comments about this handsome guy okay ? Gosh I'm really a die hard fan of this guy. 

         Ah, I think I will end this blog now because I am just renting in a computer shop and i don't have time to make it long. And I think that's all my hobbies and interest. Oh wait, I also love to sing anytime and everywhere. I can also dance, a little. Haha Thank you and wait for my next blog :D

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Getting to know me :)

Hi/Hello :)

       Today, I will share my personal story for you to get me to know better. This can help you to understand me better and know all my likes and dislikes. But first let me share a short and funny story for me.

       When I was at the age of I think 1-2 years old, I still doesn't have hair yet and my head was big enough for my uncle to think that I have Hydrocephalus. Every time my mom sharing this story to me, I will not do anything but to laugh at that moment.

       By the way, my name is Airhica Dianne Mallari Ramos but if you are having a hard time pronouncing my first name, you can call me Airha for short. I am now 16 years old and I will become 17 this August 23. I studied High School at Lakan Dula but I am now studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University. I have two older brothers named Ron Royce Mallari Ramos and Vladimer Mallari Ramos. My mom's name is Adelaida Mallari Ramos while my father's name is Ricardo Lapid Ramos. If you are interested why my name is Airhica, I tell you the story. My mother's nickname is Aida so Ai + Rica = Airica. They add some " arte " on it so they add "H" so that is why it becomes " Airhica ". I am just a simple and joyful person. I am kind to people who also kind to me but I am also bad to those who done bad to me. I dislike backstabber person, too much "maarte" and of course people who have bad attitude. My skills are singing and a little bit of dancing.

       My family and I where living at Pacheco Street Tondo, Manila. We are renting a enough space for us and I can say that I am contented on what we have because as long as there is no problem in our family, I will always be the happiest person and I know that I am lucky that I have a complete family.

       I hope that you discover things about me because of this blog. It's my first blog so I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you and wait for my next blog :))